Making the Most of my Time: Preparing for a Meeting with My Therapist

Written By Laurie McNulty

Making the Most of my Time_ Preparing for a Meeting with My Therapist

We often get asked, what should I do to prepare for our session.  Therapy is a big commitment and investment, and it makes sense to want to be prepared.

Come as You Are:

The truth is, the most important thing is to come as you are.  We follow your lead, which means that the time is yours to tell us what has been pressing for you.  Based on our relationship, understanding of your goals, and psychological expertise, we will help guide the conversation.  Basically, if you don’t know exactly what you want to talk about and work on that day, don’t worry, we got you.

Reflect on Your Goals:

If you do like to think about a few things to work on before your session, it can be helpful to reflect on your goals.  Before the session, take a moment to reflect on what you are hoping to get from therapy. What aspects of your life do you want to explore or improve? Whether it's managing stress, improving relationships, or addressing specific concerns, thinking bigger picture can sometimes help guide the conversation.

Note Important Topics:

Jot down any thoughts, feelings, or experiences that you'd like to discuss during the session. This could include recent events, challenges, or successes. Having a list ensures that you cover the topics that matter most to you.

Bring Questions:

Therapy is a collaborative process, and your questions are essential. If there's anything you're curious about or need clarification on, don't hesitate to ask. Your therapist is there to provide guidance and support, and your active participation contributes to the effectiveness of the session.

Consider Your Comfort:

Think about your physical and emotional comfort during the session. Is there anything you need to feel more at ease? Whether it's choosing a specific topic to discuss first, finding a private space if you are online, making sure you are physically comfortable can positively impact your experience.

Be Open-Minded:

Therapy is a dynamic process, and insights can emerge from unexpected places. Approach your session with an open mind, allowing for exploration and discovery. Trust the therapeutic process and be willing to share your thoughts and feelings authentically.

Remember, your therapist is here to support you, so come as you are no matter how prepared you feel.  The most important topics to cover often end up revealing themselves more naturally than you may think.


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