Making the Most of my Time: Preparing for a Meeting with My Therapist
nora nora

Making the Most of my Time: Preparing for a Meeting with My Therapist

The truth is, the most important thing is to come as you are.  We follow your lead, which means that the time is yours to tell us what has been pressing for you.  Based on our relationship, understanding of your goals, and psychological expertise, we will help guide the conversation.  Basically, if you don’t know exactly what you want to talk about and work on that day, don’t worry, we got you.

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Assertiveness: The Key to Healthy Communication
Erin Gates Erin Gates

Assertiveness: The Key to Healthy Communication

Your child comes home from school after receiving a lower grade on a project than she expected. She feels that she did a great job and is angry and confused because she does not feel that she was graded fairly by her teacher. There are three ways she can respond to this situation of perceived injustice. She can choose to be passive, aggressive, or assertive. A child who is passive might refrain from communicating with her teacher altogether for fear of the way she might react or respond.

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How to Identify Test Anxiety and Help Your Child Cope
Erin Gates Erin Gates

How to Identify Test Anxiety and Help Your Child Cope

Your child is sitting down to take an exam. His teacher or professor walks by, drops the test on his desk, and he immediately start to panic. His palms are sweaty, and he cannot seem to remember any of the content he studied. His heart is beating quickly, and he’s starting to feel light-headed. He cannot seem to figure out why this always happens when he sit town to take a test. Does this sound like a familiar scenario for your child? If the answer is yes, the cause might be test anxiety.

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Stress Less This Holiday
Erin Gates Erin Gates

Stress Less This Holiday

The holidays are upon us, and for many it is a joyous time filled with many wonderful things. You enjoy special time making memories with friends and family. You might spend time baking, cooking, and eating delicious and indulgent holiday favorites. You and your family might also spend time searching for and buying the perfect gifts for each other to show how much you care. You might also hop from party to party to celebrate the season amongst close family and friends.

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